July 2016 Update
The new book is nearly completed. I've completed everything for the paperback edition. But I have ordered a proof copy to look it over to...
New Book Progress With Baby
I thought I was finished doing formatting for my new book, Kathlean's Bad Day. However, when I ordered a proof copy of the book, there...
Being a Mom isn't Easy
I knew that being a mom wasn't going to be easy. However, I didn't expect that I would have issues with breastfeeding. I knew I wouldn't...
Book Formatting has Begun
I have started to work on formatting my book. I am actually using lulu.com to do my book publishing for this new book of mine. I've never...
Behind the Scenes of Book 1 and 2
If you are interested in a behind the scenes look at the process I went through and am going through with publishing my books, I did a...
Discount, baby, and new book Images
If you would like a discount on my children's book, see the newsletter at the bottom of the home page. It will give you my email through...
March 2016
I have been pretty busy. I actually forgot to update this blog. I have been busy with baby stuff, book stuff, and family stuff. I am...
New Book Progress
I have been working on the illustrations for my new book. Right now, I am nearly done drawing all the illustrations. I have one more...
Back to Work for Me
My free book contest has ended and the winners have claimed thier prize. Since I am not occupied with promoting a contest or giveaway, I...
Free Books from Me
Hello everyone. I didn't realize that I hadn't posted a blog post in a while. I must have been too busy with other things. Sometimes that...